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Bee Fit-No Gym, No Problem!

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Hear me out.

I don’t expect all of you to be fitness gurus or even be interested in this topic, but health is a big deal! And living an active lifestyle doesn’t mean running 5 miles a day or being a gym rat. It just means getting out there and pushing yourself a little bit more every time.

How can you live an active lifestyle without going to the gym?

- Go grab your girlfriends and make plans to walk a mile around the park. Next time do 2 miles. Then 3 miles. Then start RUNNING! It all starts with one mile. You got this, girl!

- Go for a bike ride around your city. Search for a new coffee spot!

- Try out a yoga or Zumba class. (A lot of places give you a discount for your first time!)

- For all you desk workers, replace your chair with a fitness ball! It’s an easy way to strengthen your core and is actually pretty fun!

- Scope out the nearest hiking spot or, even better, waterfall! You’ll be so busy embracing nature's beauty that you won’t feel those legs burning so much ;)

Whatever it is, just get outside, get some fresh air and get moving. We’re here for a while, so let’s use our bodies for good and have some fun doing it! And what better reminder than our Bee Fit line telling you to Bee Strong?!

Choose your attitude and change the world one mile, one plank, one step at a time.



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